Roadvale school donates hundreds of care packages for firies

The Roadvale State School and community came together during the peak of the fire danger to help out those fighting the fires.

School staff, students and a couple of community businesses came together to donate food and prepare care packages for the firies.

Kuhl and Praveen from Country Café Garage at Peak Crossing and Lizzie’s Kitchen at Harrisville and parents, students and staff from Roadvale also brought in donations.

With some of the generous donations of cash, one of the teachers went shopping and brought the food to the school for the students to then ration out. 

Principal Troy Churchward said all of the school’s 48 students formed a production line to create about 200 parcels which were delivered down to the Boonah staging point.

“They knocked it over in a little over half an hour before school and then we went and delivered them to the firefighters,” he said.

“It was great, the kids got a tour of the set up which was really good for them because they could get some context around why they were doing the donation.”

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