Maroon Dam will be connected to the south-east Queensland water grid via Beaudesert in a $95 million state government infrastructure project.
The project will add Maroon Dam’s potential 44,319 megalitres to the grid’s capacity and bring 100 construction jobs to the Scenic Rim to build a 27 kilometre pipeline from Beaudesert to Cedar Grove.
Maroon Dam feeds Burnett Creek which meets the Logan River at Bigriggen Park, from which the Beaudesert water treatment plant draws water.
Natural Resources Minister Dr Anthony Lynham said the pipeline would connect Beaudesert communities to the water grid and double the amount of water the community has access to by 2022.
“Importantly, water security will give potential new business and industry confidence that they can grow their businesses in the area and create jobs – particularly in the Bromelton state development area,” Dr Lynham said.
“This is fantastic news for the local community who can have confidence that major infrastructure projects are being delivered to improve water security for our communities.”
With the Beaudesert water treatment plant reservoir upgrade, adding five megalitres to its capacity, the people of Beaudesert and surrounds would have access to 10 megalitres a day.
Pipeline tenders will be shortlisted next month, with a design and construction tender awarded later this year. Construction will start in 2021.
Seqwater Chief Executive Officer Neil Brennan said the new reservoirs were expected to be fully operational by the middle of the year.
“They will provide about 10 times more storage capacity at the plant to further bolster Beaudesert’s water supply,” Mr Brennan said.
“Connecting the Scenic Rim to the grid will safeguard the region’s water security for the next 30 years.
“The new pipeline will be predominantly within an existing rural road reserve and is not expected to impact on farms or businesses along the proposed alignment.”