Thursday, 30 January 2025
President to retire after positive season for Rosewood soccer

ROSEWOOD United Soccer Club celebrated the season on Saturday with a special presentation, soccer on the field and party food.

Club President Glen Schonknecht said it had been “a pretty positive season”, though some teams could not take part in finals due to Covid-19 restrictions.

“Although we were not able to participate in finals, I am proud of all of the teams for their efforts that they have put in throughout the season” he said.

“I am passionate about soccer and sport in general and I believe that it is all about each player getting out there to give it their best whilst having fun.

“As a coach it is great to watch the players grow and progress through the sport that they really enjoy playing with their team mates.”

Glen has been President at the club for three years. Prior to that he was Vice President for two years.

But now he says he will be stepping down to spend more time with his family.

As was commented on Saturday: “Glen leaves an inspirational mark on his team and the club”.