Wednesday, 26 March 2025
A champion for the Beaudesert and district community
4 min read

FORMER Beaudesert Shire Mayor Joy Drescher passed away on Sunday evening after a weekend of doing what she did best – public speaking and consulting with her community.

Mrs Drescher was 77 years old and had been fighting breast cancer since she was diagnosed in October 2019.

Her involvement in Beaudesert and district community groups was legendary and over the years took in membership or executive roles in a large proportion of local organisations. She also served at State and National level for several groups.

Even after her cancer diagnosis, she continued her active participation in groups such as the Beaudesert Rotary Club, BADCAP (Beaudesert and District Community Arts Project Association), Powertalk Australia and the Beaudesert Bush Bards.

Mrs Drescher was elected as a Councillor to the Beaudesert Shire Council for three terms and served as Mayor from 1997 to 2000 and again during the last term before amalgamation in 2004 to 2008.

On Saturday, Mrs Drescher competed in a public speaking competition and on Sunday spoke on stage during the Anti Covid vaccination mandate community consultation meeting in Beaudesert’s Jubilee Park.

She passed away at 11.50pm on Sunday night.

MESSAGES of sympathy to her family were myriad as were the tributes to what she had achieved in life, most especially for her community.

Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport and Federal Member for Wright Scott Buchholz said he remembered Mrs Drescher as a leader, servant of our community and proud Beaudesert resident.

“The gift that Joy Drescher gave to our community, was to live life to the fullest and not take yourself too seriously.

“There is no doubt Joy was a colourful figure, who had no problem in expressing her opinion, or eclectic wardrobe.

“A personality that you were instantly drawn toward, like a moth to a light, even if it was just to hear her unique laughter. Joy’s enthusiasm for life and community was infectious.

“My thoughts are with her husband, family, friends and all who knew her well. Beaudesert is in mourning today.

“Joy may have been the last Mayor of Beaudesert, but her community service did not cease when she left the Council chamber one last time.

“A committed member of Rotary, Joy served our local community to the very end.

“Joy was a fierce advocate for our region, for our people and for doing the right thing by your fellow Australian.”

State Member for Scenic Rim Jon Krause applauded Mrs Drescher for her service to the community.

“A Beaudesert legend, the last Mayor of Beaudesert Shire (until 2008), Rotarian, raconteur, wearer of great hats and the most identifiable and infectious laugh going around.

“Thank you Joy for your years of service to the community, and also to the LNP. You will be missed.

“My thoughts and prayers are with Doug and all of Joy’s family.”

Former Boonah Shire Mayor and former Scenic Rim Mayor, John Brent, also spoke of Mrs Drescher’s advocacy for Beaudesert and the sad loss to her community and family.

“What a sad day, Joy was only 77. That’s not old by today’s standard. And she was active in her community right till the end.

“Joy was a champion for her community, always.

“I remember when we worked together in that final year before amalgamation – she as Mayor of Beaudesert Shire and me as Mayor of Boonah Shire.

“I remember putting forward Scenic Rim Regional Council as the name for the amalgamated area but Joy insisted that it should be Beaudesert Regional Council and when Joy had made up her mind about something, and that something was about the community of Beaudesert, she would insist and persist. There was a bit of a storm and tempest advocacy by Joy over the name but she was also a realist and in the end, appreciated that we had to take the wider view.

“If Joy was on your team it was marvellous but if she had an alternate view, she let you know what that view was in no uncertain terms.”

“Her passing represents a big loss to her community … there would be few residents who didn’t know her and her advocacy for the Beaudesert and district community.”

“Joy was enormously proud of her family and how they had excelled in their careers and their achievements must very much go back to their upbringing.”