Friday, 7 March 2025
Thank you to Pat Lenihan

As the bell rings out, in the middle of the day.

Offering thanks for our protection,

Of which, we should be grateful.

I have to say!

The one, who is ringing the bell.

Is no stranger to this town.

With strong hands and a gentle smile,

Who asks with a sincere voice?

Are you well?

From Irish stock of long ago,

A family, we all know!

Working in the mines, did him no harm,

Being able to perform a day’s work in the mine

Or on the farm.

He represents a time, now past.

As we wonder why, does time move so fast?

If you need a hand,

He’s always there.

His sons, are a chip off the old block,

And his daughters, beautiful and fair!

This just about sums up, the measure of the man.

The man called Pat Lenihan.

— Dennis Freeman 2021©