Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Local boxers get set to compete in Novice titles
1 min read

FOUR athletes from Rebels Boxing have their hopes set high as they get ready to put their gloves on to compete at the Novice titles in Acacia Ridge.

The titles are an annual event and take place over three days. The titles are specifically for athletes with less than 16 fights.

Rebels Coach Robbie Sbeghen said that Noah Wintringham, Livai Savuro, Kado and Joe Bennett were all “hungry for a win” as this was something that they all look forward to each year.

“All of my boxers train hard at the gym. They attend at least five times a week and they take their boxing very seriously,” he said.

“It is great to see them strive to do their best, and they are working hard as a team pushing each other every day.

“Like all titles it will be a tough job to get a win, but I am confident the boys will do well.”

Team members will compete in four weight divisions.

“In the Featherweight Division is Livai who is a very skilled boxer with 14 fights behind him, but a title has so far been elusive, so I expect a big effort from him.

“Middleweight competitor is Noah who has only had one fight. But he is not just turning up to make up the numbers, he is there to give it a real go.

“Welterweight is Kado who has yet to enter the ring. He is very keen to get his boxing career underway and wants to do it in style at the titles.

“In the Flyweight Division is Joe who after a six month break from competition is keen to get back into the ring.”

Robbie predicts a big year for the Rebels.

“We have laid a lot of ground work, we have a large number of competition ready fighters and preparations have been going well.

“The team is going in with a positive mind set and a great bond to encourage and support each other throughout the event as their minds are set on a win.”