Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Rebels win in Toowoomba

ROBBIE’S Rebels athletes, Andreas Rice and Seth Birtles, returned to the ring once again to compete in a professional boxing tournament hosted by Smithy’s Gym at the Rumours Convention Centre on Saturday.

Rebels Coach Robbie Speghen said Andreas Rice took on undefeated Alexie Tylor from Hit Pit Boxing Currumbin in what was a fierce ordeal.

“Alexie is a very aggressive boxer, for the most part Andreas kept him out and boxed well but the judges favoured his opponent in a points decision,” he said.

“Seth Birtles drew Toowoomba lad Dom Caldwell from Smithy’s Gym this was the first fight for both of the competitors.

“In the first round the score was even, Seth then gained in the second round and won the third in what was a unanimous points decision.

“Both lads fought well and are both similar style boxers and quite skilled for inexperienced fighters, however, Seth’s fitness and skill shone through in the end.

“I am proud of the boys they both gained valuable experience, we like to attend the Toowoomba fights and to support Smithy’s gym.

“It is always a good show the pro boxers, and our team love the buzz and all the fanfare that goes with a pro boxing tournament.”

The club are now preparing for their Rebels hotshots Jesse, Livai, Eden and Joe who will compete in the State Titles at Acacia Ridge for a marathon three days of boxing.