Obituary A luminary in the field of ecotourism and conservation ECOTOURISM pioneer and conservationist, Peter (Big Pete) O’Reilly, passed away on Wednesday (March 6) aged 91. Staff Writers 12 Mar 2025
Obituary Scenic Rim’s first Town Crier dies aged 92 years A STENTORIAN voice, an innate sense of dignity, a stately ensemble and a touch of theatre were the qualities, John Deeks, brought to his role as the Scenic Rim’s first Town Crier. Wendy Creighton 18 Sep 2024
Obituary OBITUARY- A passion for engineering, community and service THE late Arthur Devin is best described as a gentleman who was compassionate, forgiving and generous of spirit which helped him in bringing about betterment and change. Staff Writers 21 Aug 2024
Obituary A great woman, wife, mother and community supporter MARY Helene McInnes was born in Cunnamulla Hospital on November 29, 1952, an hour and a half after her twin brother, Ross. In July 1953, Mary and Ross were both adopted by Garnet and Ivy Jensen. Staff Writers 29 Nov 2023
Obituary Businessman, family man and part owner of ‘Blackie’ the Champion THE late Trevor Titcomb often said that his part ownership of the horse described by Racing Queensland as the “greatest pacer of all time” came about because he “happened to be in the right place at the right time”. Wendy Creighton 13 Sep 2023
Obituary A long goodbye to my son’s Poppy GRIEF is sharp and every moment spent with it hones the blade. Every phone call, every sympathetic question, rakes over the freshly cauterised wound. Drew Creighton 02 Aug 2023
Obituary Boonah Rabbitoh, businessman, tradesman, family man A FORMER Fassifern resident, accomplished district sportsman and successful businessman Staff Writers 30 Mar 2022
Obituary The end of a ‘Quiet Man’ style romance THE late Maria (Rosie) Pressler was an outspoken no-nonsense woman Frank Hampson 30 Mar 2022
Obituary Buzz Aldrin and Fred Howie - an engineer’s story FRED Howie’s voice is missing from the Kalbar RSL – a voice that always had fascinating stories to tell Frank Hampson 16 Mar 2022
Obituary Vale: Father Ellis - a priest of the people We were sent a ‘life outline’ which the late Father Ellis Clifford had written in his retirement. Wendy Creighton 19 Jan 2022
Obituary A champion for the Beaudesert and district community FORMER Beaudesert Shire Mayor Joy Drescher passed away on Sunday evening after a weekend of doing what she did best Wendy Creighton 01 Dec 2021
Obituary Life and times of the Butter Box Kid HE WAS about five when he began packing his belongings into a butter box Frank Hampson 13 Oct 2021
Ipswich The late Glenn Dudley – “born to serve the community” Huddled around the outdoor table of their Brassall home, one family laugh and cherish their time together as they celebrate the life of one special man, the late Glenn Dudley. Jacqui McLaren 09 Jun 2021
Obituary “What a politician should be” tribute’s flood in for former Ipswich MP and Queensland Great Sir Llewellyn Roy Edwards, an Ipswich born politician who played a prominent role in shaping the region, has died at 85. Ivy Mullins 29 May 2021
Scenic Rim Tributes flow for John ‘Burragun’ Long “Our dear Brother worked to help young people build their lives and to understand about culture.“ — Your Sisters Ruth, Dolly, Teenie, Rachel, Little Brother Peter. Nieces, Nephews, Poppies and Nannies. Our love and memories of him will last forever. Wendy Creighton 26 May 2021
Obituary A legend passes: John Long (Burragun) Ugarapul Elder, messenger, mentor and warrior for young people and a “great asset to the world” Wendy Creighton 26 May 2021
Obituary Margaret Oppermann 13/11/1930 — 21/01/2021: An immovable force for her community People often ask why Boonah and the greater Fassifern has such a strong, supportive community. The simple answer is that its strength and its values are the rich legacy of the people who have willingly given of their character, their skills, their time and their commitment to volunteer organisations. Margaret Oppermann was one of those people. Wendy Creighton 19 Feb 2021
Obituary Vale: Des Freeman - Ipswich farewells a true Labor party hero “He was the first person I ever voted for at any level of government. He was a mentor to many, community leader and a true believer”: Former Ipswich Mayor Des Freeman was remembered as a true supporter of the worker and a hard-working Labor Party figure when civic leaders, former colleagues, friends and family gathered to farewell him at a requiem mass on Monday. Brian Bennion 19 Dec 2020
Obituary The passing of a local Rugby League Great Former Rugby League Great, Gary Parcell from Radford outside Harrisville, passed away on Monday, aged 87. Wendy Creighton 06 Dec 2020